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Radoslav Yankov remains second in Bansko

Bulgarian Radoslav Yankov placed second in the parallel giant slalom event in the Bulgarian ski resort of Bansko, part of the Snowboard World Cup races. At the final the Bulgarian faced Sylvain Dufour from France, who won the race after Yankov made a..

05.02.17 15:57 |

Alexandra Jekova places 7th at snowboardcross event of Bansko Snowboard World Cup

Alexandra Jekova placed 7 th at the snowboardcross (ladies) discipline of the Snowboard World Cup in Bansko. Bulgaria’s best female snowboarder finished 6 th in the second semifinal, thus missing a chance of winning a medal in that event. Jekova did..

04.02.17 13:06 |

Bulgarian, Romanian and Greek Policemen to ensure security in Bansko resort

Joint teams of Bulgarian, Romanian and Greek policemen will ensure the security of the Bulgarian and the foreign tourists at the winter ski resort of Bansko, Southwest Bulgaria. The three countries have been holding that joint initiative for the 6 th..

19.12.16 17:17 |

Bansko: European Town of Sport, 2017

A delegation of ACES Europe, the European Cities and Capitals of Sports Federation visited the resort town of Bansko, Southern Bulgaria to appraise its nomination for European Town of Sport, 2017. Gian Francesco Lupattelli, president of ACES..

13.11.16 15:48 |

“The young old men of Bansko” continue the two-voice singing tradition

Located in the foothills of Mount Pirin, Bansko combines past with modernity in its own inimitable way. A great many historical buildings, museums and folklore-style taverns rise in the town's beautiful Revival-time centre. The..

06.03.16 09:35 |

Qyteti Bansko – magjia e së kaluarës

Pavarësisht se është një qytet relativisht i vogël, Bansko është mes qyteteve tek ne, të cilët kanë kontribuar mjaft për përparimin kulturor të Bullgarisë. Dhe sot rrugët prej kalldrëmi dhe shtëpitë e ruajtura të lashta tregojnë për sipërmarrësinë dhe..

30.12.15 09:35 |

Bansko- geçmişin büyüsü

Küçük bir kasaba olsa da Bansko, Bulgaristan’ın turistik ve kültürel gelişimine büyük katkılarda bulunan bir yer. Kaldırım sokaklar, eski evler ve tarihin otantik havası hala bir zamanlar Bansko halkının güzelliğe ve zerafete olan ilgisinin izlerini..

22.12.15 14:47 |

Vacaciones en Bansko al final del verano

Hay quienes consideran que el mejor sitio para descansar es la montaña. Por eso, a finales del verano, después de hartarse del sol y de olas marinas, de las abarrotadas playas, la ruidosa muchedumbre y los ritmos exóticos en los bares y clubes, muchas..

13.09.13 11:36 |

В Банско се провежда биенале на детската рисунка "Малък зограф"

  В Банско се провежда биенале, на което малките зографи от Банско ще усъвършенстват техниките на рисуване и ще развиват таланта си. Проявата е част от провеждащия се световен конкурс за детска рисунка „Малък зограф”. Конкурсът е организиран от Община..

25.06.13 06:24 |
Nach seinem Doppelsieg in Bansko ist Marcel Hirscher nun nur noch 18 Punkte hinter dem führenden Kroaten Ivica Kostelic im Gesamtweltcup.

Bansko gehört bereits zu den Top-Austragungsorten der Skiweltcup-Starts

Am Wochenende fanden im bulgarischen Skiort Bansko zwei Weltcup-Starts der Herren statt, und am kommenden Wochenende werden die Damen mit beiden Speed-Disziplinen Abfahrt und Super-G erwartet. Der wohl glücklichste von allen an diesem Weltcup-Wochenende in..

20.02.12 14:05 |
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